Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Faithful Devotion a movie: Happy Veteran's Day!

Faithful Devotion a movie: Happy Veteran's Day!: Happy Veteran Day to All my many Heroes! Faithful Devotion was written in honor of my own hero, as serving and defending his country, wa...

Happy Veteran's Day!

Happy Veteran Day to All my many Heroes!

Faithful Devotion was written in honor of my own hero, as serving and defending his country, was truly his life's mission. His journey even began in Washington, DC, and entwined him in espionage for most of his life.

Faithful Devotion is comprised of many of Pete's experiences, and includes many of his own writings. It makes for a great Hollywood, Real James Bond type movie, and will depict Vietnam Veterans, as well as All Veterans as the true Heroes they are!

It is both my belief and my intention that this story will boost American Patriotism, and help Veterans who are dealing with PTSD.

Let It Be!



Friday, October 31, 2014

A new song...for a movie...?

Hi All!

I am writing lyrics for song, and my friend Gabriel (others) writes the music. 

A possible song for a movie soundtrack? Yes, quite possibly, some of my/our songs will be in a movie soundtrack.

Thank You!


All That You Are - Copyrighted

All That You Are

Words my Lisa M. Smith
Music by Gabriel Patricci

I look at you
But you are not there.

Deep in my soul
All is so clear.

I see your heart
And all that you are.

I look at you
But you are not there.
No, you are not there.

Don't know where you are
Or where you may go.

But you are not there
No you are not there.

I know all that you are
And the time will come
One day we'll be one.

One day you will look at me
And you will see
All that you are

All that you are
All that you are
All that you are.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday, June 13th forty-five years ago.

Hello Friends,

I've got some Friday 13th "Fun Stuff" to share that is true! It was in fact June, Friday the 13th 1969 when Green Beret, Peter Smith had to move a Vietnamese National, Chuyen Thai Khac. Chuyen was under investigation of double-agent espionage. 

"I got six Special Forces trooper volunteers as guards. After they volunteered to escort us to the airport, I told them that I had to move a Vietnamese National from the detachment, and North Vietnamese Intelligence may try to rescue or kill my prisoner. A doctor put Chuyen to sleep. They were instructed to shoot down any Vietnamese who got close to the ambulance. At the detachment, as the guards and I were checking out weapons just before leaving, one of them asked if I was superstitious. The reason for the question, I then realized, was that it was Friday the 13th." Peter Smith - Faithful Devotion.

Chuyen was killed a week later, June 20, 1969.

Faithful Devotion is available in Hard Copy and paperback, as well as ebook.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

How do I love thee?

Let me count the ways... I love thee to the depth and breathed and height my soul can reach. - Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

These words, dear readers, are to be reserved for one's soul mate. And if you do not have a soul mate, the quickest way to draw one in, is to count the ways you love your self.

If you can look in the mirror, and say the above words to this beautiful poem, and actually feel them as true for yourself, then, you are ready to love your soul mate the same way.

For many of us, this is a very big IF. 

One thing that seems to be helping a lot of people is Knowing Who You Really Are.

Knowing who you really are is a key step to loving oneself. It allows us to look into our own mirror of our soul. And in doing so, we learn what reflection we'd like to "call in" for a soul mate.