Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How to bless 100% of your life

Yesterday, July 26, 2010, I had a major breakthrough. I kept repeating the words I've learned from listening to David Owen Ritz. He says for most of us, 90% of our life is great, and it's only about 10% that needs work. He says to say this about that 10%.

This too is Good.

This too is God.

This too is for me.

And I DEMAND and Accept the blessing in it!

Last night as the last bit of the sun was setting, I stood on a small hill in my back yard, with my White Shepherd, Sunny. As I watched the sun go down, I said this prayer over and over again. The bright orange cloud behind the setting sun, began to take on the shape of eagle wings, taking flight. Beautiful, bright, golden-orange wings with a perfect V center, just glowing like fire.

I began to shape the words to speak to my heart, as well. I said, I demand to see the LOVE in it. Finally, I found the answer. LOVE. It always goes back to Love, as Love is the only True emotion. Love is the answer, and it was the love I have to have in myself, and unconditional love and acceptance of all. With that came the realization, like a tremendous wave sweeping me away, that this is the Love I kept singing I knew would come in Sade's wonderful, Soldier of Love.

I have read some of Sade's biography, and her interview in which she says, she was "in a cave, and just rolled out the boulder." I want to tell you, I have stepped into the flow of God, and all the boulders have been removed.

I give the Glory of my heart to God.

Thank You!


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