Monday, September 27, 2010

Time for a movie about true American hero?

Dear Fellow Americans,

I am Lisa M. Smith, wife of the late "Peter" Alvin Louis Smith, Jr. former Green Beret, arrested for the murder of his double agent, Chuyen Thai Khac. Peter, as he was called, and seven other men were held in solitary confinement for 28 days in Vietnam. President Nixon stepped in, and had the charges dropped.

The case became known as The Green Beret Murder Case, 1969 and is the focal point of my book, Faithful Devotion.

Faithful Devotion is a bibliography of my husband's writings. His writings were all for his Faithful Devotion to keep America free. That is, to keep America free from Communist threat.

He had written enough material for 10-12 manuscripts, for people such as the President of the United States to Reverend Jerry Falwell.

Born in Washington, DC, Peter literally spent his life faithfully devoted to America's freedom. He was a veteran of WWII. He was an officer in The Korean Conflict where he commanded 1400 Korean Guerrillas.

Peter also was vice consul of Port Said, Egypt; which was the first of his CIA assignments.

There is so much action packed into Peter's life story, that it really would make a better movie, than a book.

One great Hollywood scene is when, at age 23, Pete leaves his post in Korea, and walks out of the command post to see his troops had formed a 1400 men, mile long human corridor to the port, where a boat was waiting for Pete.

As he walked the mile through the human corridor, each man present arms to him, and shouted the Korean word "T'ujaeng!" meaning, I will fight for you!

When I asked Pete how he felt at this moment in his life, he could not find the words to answer. He looked away. The feeling behind his look was that it totally overwhelmed him. The feelings he had for his men were mutual to their show of love and respect for him.

I am currently seeking a movie producer to create Faithful Devotion into a movie. It has been too long since Americans have seen a movie about a true American hero.

Lisa M. Smith

Faithful Devotion, Author