Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Last day to reKindle Faithful Devotion on Countdown deals!

Just in time for the Holidays!

This is the last day this year that Faithful Devotion will be on Kindle's Countdown deals.

Today I leave you with a snippet of a poem from the back of the book:    

Tho' who am I to ask for your love,                                 
A Knight on a charger,
A demi-god from above?
I'm but a peasant, far below you,
But tho' I'm ignoble, my devotion is true.   

Tho' you couldn't love me
If I were King.
Your mind's too selfish to hear
Your heart sing. 

You can check out a copy here:

And a very Merry Christmas Holiday to All!


A reKindled Christmas

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

ReKindle Faithful Devotion on Countdown deals!

Let the Holiday sales continue! Give the gift of Faithful Devotion for Christmas/Hanukkah.

Kindle's Countdown deals have begun again!

Enjoy the Holiday Blessings!


Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thirty-six years ago today, I met the new, real James Bond

Hello Dear Readers,

On November 30, 1977, I met Peter L. Smith, and my life was forever changed. I'm sure this is true for many who fall in love. For me, however, it was also the beginning of my life's dream.

I'm happy to announce that I will be interviewed regarding Faithful Devotion, Monday, December 2, 2013 at 10 AM Eastern time, on BlogTalkRadio.

Here is the link for those who wish to join:   

Gloria has cast me as, the new, real Mrs. James Bond. 

Until then, I will leave you with a little blurb of how my dream began 36 years ago:

      "A little late for my appointment, I saw Pete standing in front of the sliding glass doors of his second story apartment looking for me. He smiled, and gave me the 'thumbs up' signal, as I slowly came around the bend to the corner apartment, looking up at him. I smiled and said to myself, so there's Peter Smith. He was a tall dark and handsome fellow, and I was immediately attracted to him."  

Faithful Devotion, now on Kindle Select and on CreateSpace in paperback.

Be sure to catch Gloria's World Monday morning at 10!

Thanks for letting me share!

Spread the Love!


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Kindle's Countdown deals draws 5 Star rating for Faithful Devotion

Hello Dear Readers, 

Customer Review

5.0 out of 5 stars A story of love and betrayal during the turbulent times surrounding the Vietnam War.
 10 Nov 2013
This review is from: Faithful Devotion (Kindle Edition)
This is a fascinating insight into the Green Beret murder case that rocked the U.S. in the late 60's.
Faithful Devotion is a no-holds-barred account of the extraordinary life of Green Beret, Alvin Louis Smith.
Smith, also known as Peter Sands, was a former CIA operative who was serving with Military Intelligence
in Vietnam at the time, when he was accused of murdering one of his own agents. Written by his widow,
this is a story of love and betrayal during the turbulent times surrounding the Vietnam War.
Help other customers find the most helpful reviews 
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Kindle's Countdown deals continue for Faithful Devotion in US and UK

Saturday, November 9, 2013

British friends can now have Faithful Devotion for under a pound!

From America with Love!

Faithful Devotion is available on Kindle's Countdown Deals! Take advantage of the discount for the next week.

Here's the link for my British friends:

It offers help for anyone suffering with PTSD, as it depicts the Veteran as a Hero.

Faithful Devotion begins with WWll, The Korean Conflict, through the Vietnam War and beyond. 

Enjoy the story!


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Faithful Devotion for under a dollar!

Hello Dear Readers,

You can now have Faithful Devotion for under a dollar! Such a bargain!

Find Faithful Devotion on Amazon's Kindle Countdown Deals! For the next week, Faithful Devotion will be available at a discount on Kindle.

Check it out here:

This is a wonderful gift to give to the Veteran Hero in your life. It will help anyone suffering with PTSD, as it depicts the Veteran as a true Hero for having served his/her country.

Enjoy! Just in time for Veteran's Day!

With Love To All!

Spread the Love!


Friday, October 25, 2013

Spiritual Prayer of Forgiveness

This is from Lisa Barnett. She is an Akashic Record reader/healer. Here is her website:




As Lisa says, this prayer should be said at least 33 days in a row. At that point you should start noticing events improving in your life in all areas.


With Much Love,

Lisa M. Smith, Author

Faithful Devotion 

I Am Somebody

Knowing Who You Really Are

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Faithful Devotion a movie: There Are No Accidents

Now available as paperback!
Faithful Devotion a movie: There Are No Accidents: Everything is as it's supposed to be. - Peter Smith Yes! That is what my husband Pete used to say. And I am reminded of this as I sub...

There Are No Accidents

Everything is as it's supposed to be. - Peter Smith

Yes! That is what my husband Pete used to say. And I am reminded of this as I submitted Faithful Devotion to be published as a paperback today.

See if you can catch what I mean:
Faithful Devotion

List Price: $37.29 

Add to Cart

Faithful Devotion

Authored by Lisa M. Smith, Alvin Louis Smith Jr.
Faithful Devotion is true a story about a military/espionage career man's life time quest to protect America from communist fall. This quest was heightened after as a Green Beret in Vietnam he is arrested for the murder of his double agent. The Green Beret Murder Case, 1969, is the focal point of the book. The story spans through WWII, to the Korean Conflict - to Port Said, Egypt to Bangkok, Thailand to Vietnam. Includes love, as well as military action.

Publication Date:
Oct 01 2013
149286143X / 9781492861430
Page Count:
Binding Type:
US Trade Paper
Trim Size:
8.5" x 11"
Full Color
Related Categories:
True Crime / Espionage

Well, unless you get the book, you may not be able to see it, but the date on the photo of Pete shaking hands is October 1, 1969. -  Complete with 16 pages of photos and poems written by Pete as a teenager. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Green Beret Movie Coming Soon!

Double Agent Down - The Green Beret Affair, a documentary movie is soon going to be released. This story is the focal point of my book, Faithful Devotion, in which my husband, Alvin "Peter" Smith and seven other Green Berets were arrested and placed in solitary confinement for the murder of a double agent.

The documentary is the creation of a former Green Beret, Terry McIntosh, who played a part in the Vietnam affair.

Terry's drive to produce the documentary is multi-faceted as he explains here:

     "The documentary has more than one purpose that includes setting the record straight about some controversial issues, such as Chuyen's guilt or innocence, the CIA role as understood by Project Gamma operatives, and also for the sake of posterity. Some of us got to tell our personal story and perspective, and if those stories aren't told, they are lost to future generations. The documentary poses questions that are still relevant today, and further addresses the context of the Vietnam War from the soldiers point of view." 

I have seen the final version of this documentary, and it is very well done. Many of the members who were actually involved with double agent in Vietnam are featured in the documentary. I am also featured, representing my late husband, "Peter" Smith, who was the double agent's handler.

I look forward to sharing this documentary debut with you soon. It will shed a lot of light on this controversial Green Beret murder case. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Book sells 25 copies on Kindle in one day!

Dear Readers,

Just a note of thanks to express my gratitude for 25 copies of Knowing Who You Really Are, sold in one day - September 7th, 2013.

Although I always feel that all of my writing is divinely guided, I particularly knew this book was. I was consciously engaged in its production. Not only was every word written with divine intention, but also every photograph was filled with divine intention as well as Love.

That is why I am particularly grateful to see the sales of this book.

With Much Love,


Sunset from my front yard

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Deepak Chopra's Endorphinate balances your emotions

Dear Readers,

At a time when most of us, if not all are experiencing a lot of emotional turmoil, due to the ongoing of a tremendous shift in the planet, it is a God-Send to learn about Endorphinate.

This is a wonderful, all natural, vegetarian supplement, which is endorsed and distributed by Deepak Chopra.

It is an adaptogen, which uses Ayurvedic herbs. You can learn more about it on this page: Endorphinate

There are three different Endorphinate supplements. Be sure to see which one suits your needs best.


All for now.                                                                                                              
Anxiety Relief 

Pain Relief


Give the Gift of Peace of Mind

Spread the Love,


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Our Great Nation – 5

Hello Dear Readers,

This is the last article I’m writing, reviewing a chapter of the Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East by Baird T. Spalding, who visited the far East on a research mission in 1894.

In this chapter we have an account of a Master called Emil speaking about the birth of our nation, and how it relates to the “rebirth” of an individual. He speaks about the Crystal Age, which we are now in, and his spiritual insight is nothing short of astounding.

How we look forward to the age which is dawning, the Age of Crystal, the pure, white light of Spirit. This morn is now dawning. We can see the time all will see the full blaze and glory of this approaching day. Then there will be no darkness, no limitation.

Does this not suggest that there must be eternal progress? If not, all must return to that from which it sprang, the Universal Substance. All must progress or go back; there is no halfway point, no stopping place. When your nation does recognize its true estate, or mission, and join hands with Spirit and expresses as God wishes it to express, or lets the Spirit unfold from within; we can see for your great nation a marvel far transcending the power of any human tongue to describe.

It is with having the God-given quality of Faith, that Emil hits home the analogy of the unfolding of an individual to that of a nation.

Just as a mustard seed, although it is among the smallest of seeds, has the faith to know that within itself it has the power to express the mustard plant, the greatest of all herbs, for when it is grown it becomes a tree and the birds may come and lodge in the branches thereof; just as the seed knows that within itself it has the power to express the greatest, so must we know that we have the power within ourselves to express the greatest.

In giving this parable it was the quality instead of the quantity of faith, that Jesus referred to.

       “If ye have the faith of a grain of mustard seed (and that faith becomes knowing), ye shall say unto this mountain Remove hence to yonder place, and it shall remove, and nothing shall be impossible unto you. “

There is no question but that it took the great strong beak and talons of the eagle to hold your nation together during its development; but when the true spiritual light comes, it will be seen that the dove is mightier than the eagle, and the dove will protect what the eagle now guards.

Look at the words on the coin you send into every avenue of the world trade - In God We Trust and e pluribus unum, one composed of many, the very slogan of Spirit when the dove replaces the eagle on the life medium of such a nation.

Just so the frailest poppy seed and the mightiest banyan tree, the bulb, the plant, the tree seed, all know that they can express the greatest. Each has an exact picture or representation of what it must express. So must we have an exact picture within ourselves of what we desire to express.

Then there must be an inner perfection wrought by hourly preparation and this perfection will come forth. No flower ever burst into full bloom without this perfecting inner urge. A moment before the bud was confined within the sepal sense of self, but when this inner perfection is complete, the flower bursts forth beautiful.

As the seed that falls into the ground must first give forth from self in order to grow, develop, and multiply, so must we first give forth from self to unfold. As the seed must first burst its shell in order to grow, so must we burst our shell of limitation to begin our growth. When this inner perfection is complete we must come forth beautiful, the same as the flowers.

As with an individual so with a nation…

And So It Is.

With Love and Blessings,


Friday, June 14, 2013

One Nation Under God - 4 (A spiritual perspective)

Hello Dear Readers,

This is the 4th in a series of brief articles I'm writing about the birth of our nation as seen by the great Masters of the far East. This account is from a Master called, Emil, as quoted in the Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East, by Baird T. Spalding, who was on a research mission in 1894.

What Emil has to say about America's birth is quite astounding. Here he starts out with our motto, In God We Trust.

Then the emblematic phrase-In God We Trust-does not that show the most sanguine faith or trust in God, the creator of all? Then the choice of the eagle, the bird which represents the highest aspiration, as the emblem. It shows that these men were deeply spiritual or they builded better than they knew. Can you doubt for a moment that all were guided by the whole of the God spirit in creative action? Does it not bespeak that America is destined to be the guide to the whole world?

Great mistakes have been made by your nation in the ongoing because you have not realized your spiritual import, and the vast majority are still deep in the material. I fully realize that great souls have guided the destiny of your nation. I also realize how little those great souls have been appreciated until they have passed on. The way has been jagged and bushy, a hard way, because man in his limited concept, thus far, let only the mortal concept build the way.

See what wonders he has accomplished! But see what wonders could have been accomplished, had the fuller, deeper, spiritual meaning been understood and applied. In other words, had the Christ been placed at the helm of your Ship of State, and could all have known the truth as Jesus did - that the Christ is in every man, and that all are one-what wonders would stand revealed today. I behold the same glory yet to be, as soon as the deep spiritual meaning of e pluribus unum is understood. Do you not realize that it is one of the first great laws of God, the one expressing through the many, one of all and for all?

Consider every nation that has been founded. Those founded on true spiritual perception have endured the longest and would have endured forever, had not materialism been allowed to creep in and gradually undermine the whole structure until they fell by their own abnormal weight, or were consumed by the misuse of the law that gave them birth...

See what a nation Spain was at the time Columbus set forth on his voyage of discovery, and for a short time afterwards, and see now what is happening. In a short time she will be at war with her own child. Then you will see what a helpless, impotent nation she is, hardly able to totter into a good fight or out of a poor one. To what can you attribute her impotency? Is it utter devitalization? Is it not always thus with a nation or an individual?

When the body form or structure has been satiated, whether by greed or passion, the results are the same. There may be a time of seeming prosperity and success, but this is short-lived; then the decrepit, emaciated, and wasted form bears evidence, as does the halting, uncertain step of the old. Whereas had they conserved and developed their spiritual power they would be as resilient and buoyant at five hundred, five thousand, or ten thousand years, or eternally, as they were in the heyday of their ascendancy.   

Emil draws comparisons of the unfolding of a nation to the unfolding of an individual - just what a lot of us are experiencing now. I will share these comparisons in my next article, as Emil speaks of the dawning of the Age of Crystal. 

Happy Flag Day!

Much Light and Love,


Friday, June 7, 2013

Our Great Nation - 3

Hello Dear Readers,

This is the third of a series of brief articles I'm writing out of a patriotic inspiration I received reading the Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East - Volume 1, By Baird T. Spalding. Mr. Spalding was one of a research party of eleven persons that visited the Far East in 1894.

After about two years in India, Mr. Spalding met a Master he calls Emil. In these articles, I am quoting both Mr. Spalding and Emil extensively, as I find their wisdom and perspectives quite astounding.

For example, Emil feels that the hand of God was with the men who created the Declaration of Independence, and that their struggles to achieve this feat, compare to Jesus coming to the world.

Emil asks, Can you not see the hand of the Great Omnipotent One above it all? Then came the dark days when it seemed as though the first Colonies would be snuffed out, but what God has set His hand to must triumph.

Emil states that even the words of the Declaration of Independence where God-Inspired.

Then the emblematic phrase-In God We Trust-does not that show the most sanguine faith or trust in God, the creator of all?

Whether you realize it or not, the struggles of that little body of men in those memorable days and the act of affixing their names to that document is one of the greatest epics since that of the advent of Jesus into the world.

Emil speaks of how the strokes of the Independence Bell were known to him as if he were standing beneath it.

That bell magnified and sent out the vibrations that emanated from that little center, until some day they will penetrate the deepest and darkest corners of the whole earth, and thus enlighten the darkest consciousness.

Emil continues, Look at the trials and vicissitudes that led up to that event. Was not the Great Child born that day? ... The greatest nation of all the earth was born. ... Cannot those that signed the Declaration of Independence that day, be likened unto the Wise Men from the East who saw the Star symbolizing the birth of the Babe in the Manger, the Christ Consciousness in man? Did they not perceive the Star just as truly as those of old?

Is there any question that the watchword e pluribus unum (one out of many, or unity out of diversity or multiplicity) adopted during the successive stages of evolution of the Spirit of Truth? It certainly did not emanate mechanically from man's mortal mind.

No, Emil, there is no question in my mind.

How about you, dear reader? Please fell free to comment!

Spread the Love!


Friday, May 31, 2013

One Nation Under God - 2

Hello Dear Readers,

This is the second in a series of articles I'm writing, brought to you by The Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East Volume 1. Baird T. Spalding, wrote the book after he visited the Far East with a research party in 1894. I find the chapter on the birth of our great nation, nothing short of astounding. Therefore I am quoting extensively from this great book.

The Masters watched with joy of a grandparent, the birth of a our Great Child .

The events led on and always up-to the day when that little handful embarked on the Mayflower, seeking freedom to worship God in their own way. Think of it -  in their own way! - Stated the Master called Emil.

The Masters say that even the words Christopher Columbus spoke to the Queen of Spain, when asking for her support for his inspiration, were, in fact, God-inspired. 

His first words to the Queen that day were, Dear Queen, I am firmly convinced that the earth is round and I wish to sail forth and prove it.  

I don't know whether you recognize it, but those words were God-inspired, and Columbus was recognized as one who had the determination to carry out what he undertook. - Stated Emil.

Is it any coincidence that the man who made this Great Birth of our Nation possible is named Christopher?  No, be assured, there are no coincidences; there are only synchronicities.

Emil continued, We feel that the time has come for your nation to awaken to its true spiritual import, and we wish to do all we can to help you to this realization.

Mr. Spalding writes: It appears that their interest in us was prompted by their great desire to have America accept the Christ Consciousness and realize her possibilities. They know that her inception was truly spiritual and through that fact she is destined to be a leader in the spiritual development of the world. 

Emil continued, Is not this the way God manifests or expresses through all? The one that has already brought forth is the one that has the greater faith in God, either consciously, or unconsciously. Think of that soul setting out upon what was then an uncharted sea, the hardships, the trials and discouragements, with but one thought uppermost in mind-the goal.

Nothing has ever really changed; even in Columbus' day, one had to have faith and the end result, or goal uppermost in mind. 

Enjoy the Journey,


Saturday, May 25, 2013

One Nation Under God

Hello Faithful Readers,

With Memorial Day upon us, and the 4th of July coming up, I've been blessed to find inspiration in our Great Nation.

This patriotic and astounding inspiration came from an unusual source: Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East - Volume 1, by Baird T. Spalding. Mr. Spalding was one of a research party of eleven persons who visited the Far East in 1894.

[This is the first of a series of brief articles I will write based on, and quoting extensively from, the Masters' view on the discovery, and making of our Great Nation.]

Mr. Spalding quotes a Master named Emil as saying that prior to Christopher Columbus' discovery of America, there had been other attempts at discovery that had failed. Emil sites the reason for the failure was simply because of the absence of that one God-given quality - faith.

This Master further states that the moment that soul awoke to the realization that the earth was round and there must be land on the other side equal to that already known, another great historical epoch had begun to unfold.

Christopher Columbus had the courage and faith to see and carry out the vision of his awakening. 

Who but the great Omnipotent One, who sees all things, could have awakened that little grain of faith in the soul of Columbus?

Emil continued, Columbus, in his day, was thought to be an impractical dreamer. Are we not all coming to the place here we believe and know that the dreams of yesterday are but the realities of today? For who has accomplished anything who was not a so-called dreamer? 

In reality were his visions dreams? Were they not ideals in the Great Universal Mind, God, conceived in the soul of the one who brought them forth as great Truth? 
In this day of great uncertainty in our own lives and of our nation, do not loose heart, dear ones. Believe in yourself and believe in your dreams. When you find the truth of who you are, you will see the great Truth of your dreams becoming realities.
And trust. Trust in God, trust in yourself. For it is in the trusting that you will find your Truth.

It is with Great Love, Respect and Gratitude for those who have served this country that I wish All a Happy Memorial Day.

God Bless,


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Faithful Devotion now available on Kindle Select!

Hello Dear Faithful Readers,

You can now Kindle Faithful Devotion, and lend it to others for a gift. It is my sincere wish that this story gets out to help those Veteran's suffering with Post Tramatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

This book will help serve those who Served, and would make a great Memorial Day or Father's Day present!

With Much Love,


See the link below for an inside peak of Faithful Devotion. 

Faithful Devotion on Kindle

Pete telling the press, No agent was killed in Vietnam.

Faithful Devotion Reviews

This book has all the elements of a good movie. There was intrigue, passion, love and devotion.

Anita P.
I happened to know the man who is the subject of this loving but objective biography. I recommend it to anyone who really wants to understand the American version of the French military experience that preceded it.

R. Bidwell

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I Am Somebody now on Kindle Select!

Hello Dear Readers,

I have just published my first book on Kindle. Check it out-lend it to others Free!

  Stay tuned for Faithful Devotion on Kindle next!   God Speed,   Lisa

Tuesday, February 5, 2013