Hello Dear Readers,
This is the second in a series of articles I'm writing, brought to you by The Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East Volume 1. Baird T. Spalding, wrote the book after he visited the Far East with a research party in 1894. I find the chapter on the birth of our great nation, nothing short of astounding. Therefore I am quoting extensively from this great book.
The Masters watched with joy of a grandparent, the birth of a our Great Child .
The events led on and always up-to the day when that little handful embarked on the Mayflower, seeking freedom to worship God in their own way. Think of it - in their own way! - Stated the Master called Emil.
The Masters say that even the words Christopher Columbus spoke to the Queen of Spain, when asking for her support for his inspiration, were, in fact, God-inspired.
His first words to the Queen that day were, Dear Queen, I am firmly convinced that the earth is round and I wish to sail forth and prove it.
I don't know whether you recognize it, but those words were God-inspired, and Columbus was recognized as one who had the determination to carry out what he undertook. - Stated Emil.
Is it any coincidence that the man who made this Great Birth of our Nation possible is named Christopher? No, be assured, there are no coincidences; there are only synchronicities.
Emil continued, We feel that the time has come for your nation to awaken to its true spiritual import, and we wish to do all we can to help you to this realization.
Mr. Spalding writes: It appears that their interest in us was prompted by their great desire to have America accept the Christ Consciousness and realize her possibilities. They know that her inception was truly spiritual and through that fact she is destined to be a leader in the spiritual development of the world.
Emil continued, Is not this the way God manifests or expresses through all? The one that has already brought forth is the one that has the greater faith in God, either consciously, or unconsciously. Think of that soul setting out upon what was then an uncharted sea, the hardships, the trials and discouragements, with but one thought uppermost in mind-the goal.
Nothing has ever really changed; even in Columbus' day, one had to have faith and the end result, or goal uppermost in mind.
This is the second in a series of articles I'm writing, brought to you by The Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East Volume 1. Baird T. Spalding, wrote the book after he visited the Far East with a research party in 1894. I find the chapter on the birth of our great nation, nothing short of astounding. Therefore I am quoting extensively from this great book.
The Masters watched with joy of a grandparent, the birth of a our Great Child .
The events led on and always up-to the day when that little handful embarked on the Mayflower, seeking freedom to worship God in their own way. Think of it - in their own way! - Stated the Master called Emil.
The Masters say that even the words Christopher Columbus spoke to the Queen of Spain, when asking for her support for his inspiration, were, in fact, God-inspired.
His first words to the Queen that day were, Dear Queen, I am firmly convinced that the earth is round and I wish to sail forth and prove it.
I don't know whether you recognize it, but those words were God-inspired, and Columbus was recognized as one who had the determination to carry out what he undertook. - Stated Emil.
Is it any coincidence that the man who made this Great Birth of our Nation possible is named Christopher? No, be assured, there are no coincidences; there are only synchronicities.
Emil continued, We feel that the time has come for your nation to awaken to its true spiritual import, and we wish to do all we can to help you to this realization.
Mr. Spalding writes: It appears that their interest in us was prompted by their great desire to have America accept the Christ Consciousness and realize her possibilities. They know that her inception was truly spiritual and through that fact she is destined to be a leader in the spiritual development of the world.
Emil continued, Is not this the way God manifests or expresses through all? The one that has already brought forth is the one that has the greater faith in God, either consciously, or unconsciously. Think of that soul setting out upon what was then an uncharted sea, the hardships, the trials and discouragements, with but one thought uppermost in mind-the goal.
Nothing has ever really changed; even in Columbus' day, one had to have faith and the end result, or goal uppermost in mind.
Enjoy the Journey,
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