Thursday, May 14, 2015

Faithful Devotion a movie: What's in a poem?

Faithful Devotion a movie: What's in a poem?: Hello Dear Readers, What's in a poem, but imagination; words expressed from the level of soul. Poems are often based on true life exp...

What's in a poem?

Hello Dear Readers,

What's in a poem, but imagination; words expressed from the level of soul. Poems are often based on true life experiences. However the poem I share with you here, suggests a memory of the past ... Although it could be pure imagination. 

Book: Faithful Devotion by Lisa M. Smith

Poems by my Beloved, A. Louis (Pete) Smith, Jr.


If I were a king,
And you my slave,
 I'd give up my palace
For a dismal cave.

I would adore you,
And you'd love me,
If you weren't a lady - san merci .

Tho' who am I to ask for your love,
A knight on a charger,
A demi-God from above?

Tho' you couldn't love me 
If I were King.
Your mind's too selfish to hear
Your heart sing.

You incarcerate devotion
With your lovely smile,
So pure when born - and now so vile.
You are like a flower
In a quaint summer garden.

Tho' is smiles at everyone,
It's smile will soon harden.
Tho' it refuses to relinquish its smile,
In vain,
Its petals soon fall and, are drowned
In rain.

It fertilizes the earth
To bear a new beauty,
And is soon forgotten
As it fulfills its duty.
For faithful devotion can only endure,
And you'll never possess it, Femme des fleurs.


Monday, April 20, 2015

Son of Vietnam murder victim contacted me today

Thai Khac Chuyen's story is very much alive today!

Mr. Chuyen discussed with me his desire to have a movie made about his dad's story. He desires to have healing and closure from this long held wound, an he wishes to keep his farther's memory alive as well.

We are currently seeking a movie producer.

The fact that Mr. Chuyen reached out to find someone connected with his dad's case, shows me he still has a wound that needs healing.

It is not only my heart's desire to have a movie made of this story to heal Veterans of War, but it has also been my life's dream.

I firmly believe, that showing a hero in war times, is Healing to those who suffer a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

In Faithful Devotion, the healing will go back to the Korean Conflict. Although most of the Veterans of that war are gone, their children may not be. As we can see by Thai Khac's son, these wounds go deep, and still need healing.

It is Now time for Healing! If you agree, please spread this post around.

Thank You on behalf of All War Veteran's. They need to know they were appreciated and respected; and seen as the Hero they are.

Ever Faithful,
